The Balance Equation

Your Formula for Living Your Best Life

The Balance Equation is a complete system designed to cultivate a happier and richer life. Our book teaches you to take control of your time and money, stay true to your values, and restore balance in every area of your life.

The balance equation book balancing on it's corner
The Balance Equation Book
Restoring balance is as simple as 1-2-3.
hard cover the balance equation book
Step 1
Order the Book
Step 1
Order the Book

Learn our simple, comprehensive and practical system for a happier and more balanced life.

Step 2
Take the Balance Assessment
Step 2
Take the Balance Assessment

Analyze your life’s imbalances so you know where to start making changes.

Step 3
Live your Equation
Step 3
Live your Equation

Practice your daily Balance Equation™ with the powerful Micro-moves™ framework.

order the book
The Balance Equation™ is a complete program designed to focus on the four main life categories.
Steve improved his Development,
Lisa improved her Debts,
Madeline improved her Work Relationships,
Reid improved his Emotional Health,
Steve improved his Development,
Lisa improved her Debts,
Madeline improved her Work Relationships,
Reid improved his Emotional Health,
The Balance Equation™ is:

Unlike most self-help books, the Balance Equation™ bridges your emotions with your actions, and looks at every area of your life for more balanced relationships, finances, self, and health.


With the help of The Balance Assessment, you’ll discover what areas of your life are out of balance and write your own unique formula that reflects your true priorities.


We make it easy to understand and practice your own Balance Equation™ with tons of examples, exercises, and implementation challenges.


No overnight changes or quick fixes here. The Balance Equation™ sets you up for success by using Micro-moves™– small, thoughtful adjustments that add up to big change.

About the Authors

Stuart Rosenblum
Stuart Rosenblum

Stu is a Fortune 20 business executive, entrepreneur, lifelong coach and mentor, author, and co-founder of The Balance Equation™. Juggling business, marriage, and kids, Stu was chronically depleted for years. After several failed attempts to overhaul his life, he discovered the power of small, daily changes. More than 80 pounds lighter, financially secure and happily married, he attributes much of his success to his morning Micro-moves™ routine. Stu applies his own Balance Equation™ daily and loves his life with his wife of 34+ years, three adult children, two grandchildren and dog Auggie.

Rob Fiance
Rob Fiance

Rob is an owner of STS Education and the Healthy Software Company, coach,  mentor, author, and co-founder of The Balance Equation™. In his mid-thirties, Rob realized that his pursuit of financial independence was compromising the most important aspects of his life. After personal reflection, Rob discovered a large gap between his true values and his daily routine. By implementing Micro-moves™, Rob has transformed his health, relationships, and finances. Today, Rob practices his own personal Balance Equation™ daily and lives a full life with his wife, three grown children, and granddaughter.

The Balance Equation is different from any other life system.

Unlike most self-help books, podcasts, and classes, The Balance Equation doesn’t just fix your finances or address your marriage. Our framework is based on the reality that our lives are complicated and happiness is found in the balance of it all. The Balance Equation is a daily, doable practice that teaches you to look at all the parts together, track your habits, and make small adjustments for lasting change.

man reading the balance equation on a couch
Craving balance? Think small.

The Balance Equation won’t ask you to meditate for hours or save every penny. Change that you can maintain is built with Micro-moves™ – small but intentional daily choices that add up to monumental transformation.

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cute dog standing up leaning against it's owner leg

The Balance Equation will teach you how to:

  • Recognize which areas of your life are out of balance
  • Connect your emotions to your actions
  • Make small, intentional adjustments for lasting change
  • Take care of your relationships, health, money, and self
  • Practice balance daily
  • Feel happier and more fulfilled
Ready to reclaim your time, money, and happiness?
order the book